Summer’s Best Escapes

Greetings Treat-A-Weekers, Did you think I’d forgotten you, this blog and what we are together? Never! Now, before you say to yourself, “summer’s over lady, what’s with the title of this blog post?” you should know that I read, watched, and heard some true gems this summer. Even though summer is now almost a memory, I had to share my finds belatedly. I do so because even though we are...

Dinner Party Music

I am really excited about this post because I am about to help people of a certain age like mine (you know who you are) trying to throw a sophisticated, fun, effortless-looking (yeah, right) adult dinner party with the answer to your most pressing ambience question. What music should be played in the background? It has taken me 15 years to find the answer, but patience is a virtue and...