Do you remember?

Hello Treat-A-Weekers, So, post move I have been going through boxes and boxes of memorabilia and old keepsakes that I haven’t really looked at in decades. Pictures, books, mixed tapes and letters have all been reviewed in an effort to decide what to keep or purge.  Of all the things that I am happiest I saved, it’s the letters.  Do you remember what is was like to walk to your...

(Modern) Brit Love

So, once upon a time, I was an American Expat living in England.  Before you go thinking, that sounds cool/fun/exciting, you should know that I was miserable in modern-day London-town (specifically the Richmond/Twickenham area) for one whole year.  I hold my husband, the weather, and movies like Notting Hill, Love Actually, and Bridget Jones Diary personally responsible for my predicament.  You see, we moved for my husband’s professional “opportunity of...

Beach Reads

Greetings Treat-A-Weekers — so I am feeling guilty because I didn’t get a chance to post last week, but forgive me, I was on vacation.  The good news is that said vacation has provided me with the down time necessary to do some beach reading and come up with two awesome suggestions for you all. The perfect beach read, in my opinion, has to be a story without a lot...

My Favorite Thing To “Get Stuck Into”…

…hands down is a book (and don’t you just love that British-ism BTW :))? Yes, I know we have established that I love TV, but a negative, unintellectual stigma was (& arguably still is) attached to watching TV when I was growing up (kind of like screen time and today’s kids) and I had to keep a handle on how much I watched lest I become the subject of parental...